Upcoming Community Events

  • THE LORAX Movie Night

    Friday April 19, 5-8 pm

    In the spirit of Earth Day, we will be watching the film The Lorax, a cautionary about how fostering respect for the environment and all living creatures will help us preserve the planet for ourselves and future generations. We will also read the original Dr. Seuss book and do some crafts.

    We will have some snacks, but feel free to send your child with any other food they would like since we are meeting around suppertime.


  • Terre Haute Beatniks

    Mondays from 4-5 pm, started Dec. 4. We will meet again on December 11 and December 18, and then we will break until school resumes in January.

    There is a new children's percussion ensemble being formed, and your child can be among the first to join!!

    We will work collaboratively to arrange and play popular music using a multitude of percussion instruments, with the goal of performance in mind. Your child is welcome to join regardless of skill level or previous musical experience. There is no fee and no audition process. There will be a part for everyone!

  • Open House and Ice Cream Social! POSTPONED until May 11

    Please join us on Saturday May 11 from 1-3 to explore our school and learn about our program. This is the perfect time for current students to confirm their enrollment for the fall and for potential new students to get on our list for the 2024-2025 school year!

There are no upcoming events at this time.